the first rule of fight club...
Did this first rule from the movie Fight Club bother anyone else?! I could barely stand it! By saying, "the first rule of fight club is you don't talk about fight club..." IS in fact TALKING about fight club. I think it would make more sense if it was the "first unspoken rule..." But that annoys me too. Has anyone ever said to you, "it's more of an unspoken rule..." well then how is anyone ever supposed to know it's a rule?! Okay, so I will offer a solution: the first rule is... you don't talk about IT. Riddle me this, what guy who has been exposed to fight club is going to say, "don't talk about what?" "the fact that i just got new wallpaper in my office?" "your zit?" you just spent the night before beating the living honey out of each other and when someone says "don't talk about IT," you're not going to know what they mean? You show up to the office with your eye swollen shut and a fat lip and you see another member who says to you, "remember the first rule, we don't talk about it." and you say, "about what?" and they respond, "exactly." and your respond again, "no seriously about what?" another member, "don't talk about it." "about what? Fight club? I wouldn't do that, it's the first rule..."